Oh, you know, just some links to some weather sites I use...
Weather.gov is an easy to use weather site set up by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). It's fairly easy to navigate, and has a very simple search function that enables you to easily find the conditions and get a forcast of your area. It contains a lot of information that is all easy to access is overall a very intuitative website. Here are some links from weather.gov I enjoy.
This is a link to the news section on NOAA's site (public affairs). It offers the most pertinent weather realated news storys of the time and is also laid out in a way that is easy to navigate.
NOAA's weather alerts page. You'll see a list of 'zones' (basically states) and to click on a zone will bring you to a page listing alerts for that zone. Updated every 2-3 minutes, so the information is always current.
State data for the state of Wisconsin. A list of many different data types giving recent information for areas all across Wisconsin. Though the data is presented in a somewhat boring way it is quite easy to understand and is both accurate and current.
This is a link to NOAA's current readings for Eau Claire Wisconin (54703). This is a nice page becuase it offers basic to advanced weather conditions in an easy to understand format.
Accuweather is another easy to navigate site with a rich supply of pertinent weather information.
This is a link to Accuweather's sever weather warnings map, this map provides immediate information to any type of weather threat across the country.
This link leads to Accuweather's forecast maps. The site provides a host of maps which give easy to read information across the country and information about many current weather aspects (Temp, wind chill, precipitation amounts, etc.)
A link to Eau Claire's current weather provided by The Weather Channel, gives easy to understand forecast for now and the next 36 hours.
Weatherunderground provides a very easy to use weather site (the search function for location is the first thing you see) and provides all kinds of weather events, maps, stories, and specific location conditions.
This is a link to Eau Claire's very own weather station on top of Philips hall. It provides accurate weather conditions right on campus whenever you need.
This is a link to a world based internet community site's weather section. Basically, someone posts weather news, information, or other things related to weather (pretty much anything, really, I once saw a 10 minute youtube video of some guy's local weather girl, it was a compilation of her best looking outfits, on this site) here and if others find it interesting, they 'upvote' it, and it becomes more popular on the site, and seen by more people. I use this site a lot to find stuff on weather related events or crises.